Go 语言:Google 的新编程语言
Google 今天发布了自制的编程语言,叫做Go,官方网站如下:
- Ken Thompson (Unix之父之一…好拗口)
- Rob Pike (Unix团队成员, 著书《 The Practice of Programming 》and《 The Unix Programming Environment》)
- 等等
Logo图标 (一只 Gopher, 金花鼠,作者 Renée French)
- 快,安全,处理并发 (其余的讲义在此)
似乎Google内部官方编程语言之战在即… C, C++, Java, Python, JavaScript, and now Go and Zimbu(by VIM 的作者)
Go programming language Tech Talk
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- https://coolshell.cn/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-23-related-posts-plugin/static/thumbs/2.jpgGo语言的”Issue 9″ Closed!
- https://coolshell.cn/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-23-related-posts-plugin/static/thumbs/25.jpgGo语言更名Issue 9?
- Go语言源码的一个改动
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- ETCD的内存问题
- Go编程模式 : 泛型编程 The post Go 语言:Google 的新编程语言 first appeared on 酷 壳 - CoolShell.